1. Accept rules
  2. Your details
  3. Confirm email
  4. Our review

Some ground rules.

These are set and enforced by the anti-social.online moderators.

  1. We expect you to be decent to others. You don't have to like other people, but we do not tolerate hate speech, homo/transphobia, fascist rhetoric or anti-science talking points.
  2. You can block people. If someone posts something you really don't like, block them. If it is something that goes against the ToS/Rules, report them, then block them.
  3. This server permits NSFW. That being said, nothing illegal should be posted, and content should be flagged as sensitive. We do log, and monitor, so if something is posted that shouldn't be, we will pass information to the authorities.
  4. Please use Content Warning liberally. This means if there is any question if something should have a Content Warning, give it a Content Warning. Examples include, but are not limited to, mental health, politics, and religion.
  5. Assume Good Faith (AGF): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Assume_good_faith
  6. Content Warning policy. NSFW and lewd content must be set as unlisted or followers only in addition to proper tagging in the CW.
  7. Don't repost artworks without crediting the artist. If you have a link to their gallery, perfect, if only their name, better than nothing. Claiming other's art as your own may lead to suspension.
  8. Bots must be approved and must be marked as bots after approval. Failure to do so will result in the account being terminated.
  9. Bots must serve a purpose for the people on the instance. Examples of good bots include posting pictures from NASA, and posting news from local sources.