The taiko concert was phenomenal - I always forget how much you feel the drumming in your heart. Amazing amount of traffic in downtown Nashville when we got out. Why are cars even allowed here at night??? #BikeTooter
The taiko concert was phenomenal - I always forget how much you feel the drumming in your heart. Amazing amount of traffic in downtown Nashville when we got out. Why are cars even allowed here at night??? #BikeTooter
My Faithful Steed and her shadow. It took a little creativity to get the entire shadow in there, surprisingly. Nevertheless, we persisted. A bright, breezy day.
#BikeTooter #TernBikes #ebike #HalfMoonBay #cycling
any of the #BikeTooter folks have advice on repairing cork handlebar grips?
I damaged one of my Miesha grips this evening, but I have the pieces to fill 90% of what is missing.
My thinking is that I will probably give wood clue a shot (it is wood, after all), and maybe use some shredded-up wine cork for in-fill. But I'd love to hear the tips of people who have done this repair before
Riding bikes to the symphony hall downtown, about 10000000x better than trying to drive down here. And they even have a music-themed bike rack. #BikeTooter
Coverage by the CBC too. Four of our organizers delivered a letter to Stantec, reminding them of the engineering code of ethics. Stantec's engineers are making themselves responsible for the future traffic violence on Toronto's roads.
Bike people: what do you wear in 10-15C temp? And lower?
Context: I usually use a windbreaker and something underneath; or a jacket. But this leads to tons of sweat, which leads to wet and then cold clothes, and then a cold or worse. What allows sweat to evaporate while cycling?
The action went very well! Hopefully I'll have some photos/video to share but in the meantime enjoy this incredible interview from one of the organizers
The 2025 version of Vélo Canada Bike's Pedal Poll is happening Tuesday June 3 to Sunday June 8. If you'd like to volunteer to count people walk, cycling, or driving, they have a form where you can sign up. As they put it:
"It's is a chance to evaluate the state of cycling in our communities. Together we get a “snapshot” of what cycling looks like in communities across Canada, at the same time, year over year."
Vélo Canada Bikes has published the results of their 2024 cross-Canada Pedal Poll. I helped out by counting in Waterloo, Ontario.
If you are as poor a driver as the person in this Volvo, then may I suggest you get some remedial driving lessons.
I was encouraged to go to hell for taking this picture today. Also I learned that it's ok to park in bike lanes because some people drive too fast.
Ford is back. His threat to rip the heart out of Toronto's safe cycling network could be enacted as soon as this month. Tomorrow morning, March 18th at 7:30am we're mobilizing at Queen's Park to remind our representatives that we won't lie down while they tear up the safe streets Toronto is trying to build.
I’m a newbie #BikeTooter so I didn’t even know that this was a separate part!
When you donate to my "buy Melanie a new ebike so she can keep working as a bike courier when her current bike falls apart" fundraiser this is who you're being kind to and caring for:
Biking and selling my blood plasma are the main ways I make my money. I can get by with rent and food but saving for an ebike isn't going to happen on the same timeline as the gotrax one I have breaking. I'm trying to get the Radrunner 2 while it's 500 dollars off :)
Goal: 550/1000
Venmo: @SoyuzSolidarity
Cashapp: $QuarkMel
PayPal: @MelanieLeeper317
riding bikes every day until I can’t for some reason, day 1666
Well, that's definitely a lesson to keep in mind if you are e-biking in remote areas....
"According to the group, a female biker faced major complications after her e-bike battery died in a remote area. This resulted in the woman being stranded in the desert for 30 hours, pushing her bike 20 miles before she ended up being located and rescued deep in the park."
Good video by Miser on why the #MoreSpaceQBB pedestrian lanes in #bikeNYC may have been delayed again