Daisies don't just bloom in spring - they delight our hearts all year round - either in nature or on the wall...
Daisy duet watercolor painting - art print: https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/daisy-duet-karen-kaspar.html
Daisies don't just bloom in spring - they delight our hearts all year round - either in nature or on the wall...
Daisy duet watercolor painting - art print: https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/daisy-duet-karen-kaspar.html
Any plant scientists here? I’m growing a couple of sweet potato vines (ipomoea batatas) from a white sweet potato tuber that sprouted in the back of my cupboard.
I read online that the leaves are 1. highly nutritious 2. contain oxalates and should be eaten only in moderation 3. should be cooked for at least 20 minutes 4. Contain LSD.
Which of these is correct, oh ye botanists of the fediverse? #botany #food #gardening
I am mostly growing them for beauty and tubers, but I want to know.
#FoodSecurity #gardening #inflation #foraging #NativePlants #DOGE #uspol #usda #food
If you need help gardening/foraging, please feel free to reach out. Tag me with any questions.
We are in this together.
“‘Absolute chaos’ at Department of Agriculture could skyrocket rural grocery prices.”
Spring Flowers and White Butterflies
A thickly textured impasto still life oil painting of spring flowers.
Saint Patrick isn't the only saint who is celebrated on March 17th. As usual, my first drink of today will be for Saint Gertrude of Nivelles, the patron of gardeners, cats, and people suffering from mental illness.
Poor crocuses kinda ruffled by the winds today.
With spring in focus
And winter's hocus pocus
In the blink of an eye
In the garden I spy
Magic visions of crocus!
A Limerick seemed fitting today. :())
#dailyhaikuprompt crocus
My pea plants are holding hands
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
A lucky day handmade watercolor painting: https://karen-kaspar.pixels.com/featured/a-lucky-day-karen-kaspar.html
Just finished up this potting bench for my daughter. The frame is poplar painted with 2 coats of primer and 2 coats of an exterior acrylic latex. The bench top is white oak finished with tung oil. Both the top and the bottom shelf are removable with 1/4-20" stainless steel hex bolts to make maintenance easier.
My parents gave me an Aerogarden for my birthday this weekend (my birthday is technically this Tuesday) and wowie is the LED bright!. #gardening #aerogarden
My backyard garden pond.
Planted more seeds. We're getting more snow. I had three little supervisors. #garden #gardening
One more #gardening task completed before the weekend ends: tomatoes started. These are two heirloom varieties that I’ve kept seeds from the last few years. The beefsteak is a Purple Passion variety, and the other is the Chadwick Cherry.
Crafting the Perfect [#PeatFree] Starting Mix for Seeds & Planting Success
"Seed Starting Mix Ingredients
- #CocoCoir - Coconut husk fiber is the main growing medium in this recipe. Pro-Tip: When purchasing coco coir, pay attention to the product's grade (or coarseness) and salt content. You do not want chipped shells or particulates in it. I recommend ultra-fine premium grade A compressed coco coir blocks that are already triple-washed to remove salt.
- Vermiculite - Vermiculite is critical in your seed starting mix. It is an expanded volcanic rock that is very porous, allowing it to hold onto water and nutrients so they don’t drain through the soil.
- Perlite - Perlite is an expanded volcanic glass used in high-quality seed starting mixes to prevent compaction and allow better drainage. There are different grades of perlite. I prefer using fine to medium perlite. Extra-fine will work, too, but you will need to add more of it.
- Water - Warm water works best and speeds up the process, but you can also use cold water if that is all you have available.
- Fertilizer - Most seed starting mixes do not contain fertilizer. Since we are making our own, we can add it right into the seed starting mix. Choose a well-balanced, slow-release fertilizer, such as Trifecta+ and/or a gentle fertilizer like worm castings." [I plan on using worm castings.]
Learn more:
#Gardening #SeedStartingMix #SeedStarting #SolarPunkSunday #PeatFreeStartingMix
When fighting time to do as much as I can in the garden before dark documenting my efforts is not an option. Although I can't share any photos of my work today I can say that it was very pleasurefull and fulfilling day in the garden
Whew! I knew this was going to be a tricky replanting and it was but went more smoothly than I'd expected. This mini bog started out in 2023 as a random throwing things together with different Sundew seed stalks, moss and some Butterworts in a Tupperware-type container using coconut coir as the growing medium and I actually didn't expect it to survive. It seemed to (mostly) do okay and it was time to move it to a larger container.
Over the years I’ve been challenged by strawberries, so I’m excited to see signs of new life in my strawberry containers today.
Although the weather is grey and wet, during morning I managed to plant and seed a lot of flowers and vegetables.
Family is resting after lunch and I'm off into the garden to do more work
Absolutely beautiful Sunday