We were out on Shop Street today talking with people about why they should be voting Maisie McMaster and People Before Profit-Solidarity no. 1 in Galway West this election.
Another Ireland is Possible. Vote PBP and then transfer Left.
We were out on Shop Street today talking with people about why they should be voting Maisie McMaster and People Before Profit-Solidarity no. 1 in Galway West this election.
Another Ireland is Possible. Vote PBP and then transfer Left.
We will need movements from below to really win the climate changes we need.
But every #1 vote for People Before Profit this election sends the message that you want the next Government to be a Left Government that puts the future of our planet front and centre.
And fewer people would list to Group 2, if we didn’t have a system where people weren’t screwed over on a daily basis by multi-billion-dollar pharmaceutical companies and a multi-trillion-dollar healthcare industry.
#capitalism #postCapitalism #universalHealthCare #peopleBeforeProfit https://qoto.org/@medigoth/113519695162979128
With the announcement of our Galway West candidate, Maisie McMaster, we’ve now launched our Election Campaign Fund over on GoFundMe.
We are not funded by business or landlord interests, so we need all the support from ordinary people like you.
Further proof () that #BidenNotTheSame
Great list of #PeopleBeforeProfit actions from the #Biden admin. All this and *no* felonies/indictments.
While it was great that the people powered campaign by residents in Mervue to prevent the loss of the bus stop was won, the latest BusConnects update has planned to remove the 401 from entering Mervue and instead send the 405 through the narrow, unsuitable streets.
My daughter helping me get the latest Galway City East newsletter from People Before Profit out to people in Mervue today.
I'm running as a candidate for this year's local elections in Galway City East. Consider voting for ordinary people's interests and vote for People Before Profit.
Who did not respond:
#Conservatives, #Labour, #ScottishNationalParty, #DemocraticUnionistParty (NI)
#SinnFéin (NI),
#SocialDemocraticandLabourParty, #ReclaimParty, #UlsterUnionistParty, #TraditionalUnionistVoice, #PeopleBeforeProfit.
Separate to this, the #AlbaParty did respond to our request but declined to issue a statement over issues raised by #FossilFreePride at the #PinkNewsAwards 2023.
Liebe https://troet.cafe/@BMWSB_Bund@social.bund.de wie wäre es mit #Hanf?
Bitte keine #Hetze mehr gegen #Weedmob und #Cannabis. Danke https://troet.cafe/@Lost_Paradise/109825013183644789
WIR™ sollten uns nicht spalten und aufeinander hetzen lassen.
Es ist nicht verwerflich #Menschenrechte einzufordern.
Es ist nicht verwerflich auf #Unrecht hinzuweisen.
#Kontakthalten #Respektzeigen #Niemalsaufgeben!
#CDU #CSU #SPD #FDP #Lauterbach #fff #fridaysforfuture #peoplebeforeprofit #klimakrise #FW #LG #hope #ARD #ZDF
I also spoke in favour of a motion around the need for our support on artist workspaces in the housing movement. The housing crisis not only affects everyone's need for housing, but with landlords hoarding property and rents rising, artist studios & spaces have continued to close down. We need artist voices and that means artist spaces for visual art, musicians, theatre, and more.
I spent the weekend in Dublin as a delegate from Galway at the People Before Profit AGM discussing & debating policy and the direction of the party. PBP at it's core is democratically organised by it's members and I was honoured to participate.
I personally was excited to bring forward a motion to commit the party to put together policy on worker cooperatives which was passed. I look forward to the development of that policy over the next while.