Fix some of macOS's biggest annoyances with SuperCharge. This app is a boon if you're recently coming over from a Windows (or Linux) environment. #microsoft #macOS #windows #tech #linux
So, here's my actually-planned-for-this-year #MARCHintosh project. Attached is a photo of four very dusty containers full of floppy disks. These are the actual disks from my childhood IIfx!
Most of these disks aren't original. The originals lived at Dad's workplace. He would periodically bring home software from work, make a copy of the disks, and return the originals to work. These were, I'm told, the "off-site backups", in case there was a fire at the workplace or something like that. But we also had all this software installed on the family IIfx so Dad could read any files that he brought home from work with him.
Of course, we also bought our own software for the home, and those are mixed in with these disks as well. And that stack of CD-ROMs in the top left are my MacAddict cover disks - those are already archived.
Anyway, because these are just consumer-grade diskettes, they degrade quicker than the professionally-manufactured original ones. I've already lost a few, so I want to get these archived! And of course, anything that doesn't already exist on the Garden will be uploaded there and shared on #GlobalTalk as well.
(expect this to be a long-ass foone-style thread with lots of updates over several days)
#macos people, is it possible to do this: but create the boot SSD on a different Mac first?
I have a 2015 #imac that has stopped working but I think (it's been a while since I checked) it can get to the boot options screen, so I'm hoping I can make an external boot drive elsewhere and switch it over.
howard's being brilliant again and there's a new release of a great #macOS tool for #logs called #LogUI.
> Although my log browser Ulbow gives much better access, for many it’s still a daunting task. I’ve now switched almost entirely to using my new lightweight log browser, LogUI, and here explain how you can use it. Although it’s currently an early release with limited features, you should find it ideal for getting started.
#householdIT #syslog #infosec
* Als #macOS-Usy habe ich für PDF-Dateien zum Glück noch das bordeigene Vorschau-Programm. Da wird die Tabelle weiterhin mit Inhalt dargestellt.
@skinnylatte IDK if @geerlingguy has sone content re: #macOS beyond using it to setup #Ansible.
I can't get over how good this looks...
This beautiful 3D printed M4 Mac Mini case uses a 9.7" iPad panel for its display. It features the signatures of the original Mac Team embossed on the bottom. The designer, @jerrod also has a version that works as a display stand for the @trmnl e-ink smart display.
You can check out more of Jerrod's designs and support his work over on Makerworld--
Ah yes, the common "Apple Useless Error Message" appears again. They don't tell me *which* USB device is drawing too much power—that's for me to guess.
Since this happened shortly after I plugged my iPhone into the computer to sync and charge like I do every morning, I unplugged it. Didn't help. My keyboard in the same hub was dead but the mouse was working; go figure. Replugged the hub and it works fine … like it was for the previous 4 months.
Still not impressed with #Apple turning #AppleIntelligence on in #macOS after every fucking update. (This is my work machine, my home machines dont run macOS.)
Ich kann im Gegenzug alles vom (A)uto bis zum (Z)uckerstreuer reparieren. Oder Computer mit #Linux oder #MacOS fixen. Oder bei #Prostatakarzinom zur Seite stehen. Mathe, Informatik und Naturwissenschaftliche Nachhilfe geht auch immer. Was auch immer - ich brauche halt wirklich Hilfe...
How have I only just learned about the transparent background window screenshot trick in #macos? Neat.
Had this #Jazz tune stuck in my head all afternoon. It was the soundtrack of a #macOS #Sokoban game I used to play a lot two decades ago.
Brendan Kibbee - Tune For Sam
I guess you can go back to the old school Mail layout (for iPad-layout columns) to prevent the new Mail Categories segmented control from messing up your layout.