45 minutes till the polling locations close at 10pm. Get out and vote if you haven't yet!
Another Ireland is Possible. We need a Left government. Vote People Before Profit no. 1 and then transfer Left.
45 minutes till the polling locations close at 10pm. Get out and vote if you haven't yet!
Another Ireland is Possible. We need a Left government. Vote People Before Profit no. 1 and then transfer Left.
Go vote!
Vote Left Transfer Left today.
Another Ireland is Possible!
I'm voting People Before Profit no. 1 and then transferring Left.
#AnotherIrelandIsPossible #rtept #VotePBP1
Another Ireland is Possible.
One in which ordinary people are put first above the profits of landlords, vulture funds, and big business.
But to do so we must end 100 years of FF/FG rule.
People Before Profit are the only party that have ruled out voting for Harris or Martin as Taoiseach.
In Galway West a vote for Maisie McMaster No. 1 is the strongest message you can send that you want a Left government instead.
We were out on Shop Street today talking with people about why they should be voting Maisie McMaster and People Before Profit-Solidarity no. 1 in Galway West this election.
Another Ireland is Possible. Vote PBP and then transfer Left.
We will need movements from below to really win the climate changes we need.
But every #1 vote for People Before Profit this election sends the message that you want the next Government to be a Left Government that puts the future of our planet front and centre.