#throwbackphoto #throwbackthurday #gamer #streamer #gaming #gaymer #gay #lgbtq
This is an old #joke from #yesteryear for #ThrowbackThurday It almost goes without say that I actually use open source GIMP and Inkscape for #gamedev photos and vector art.
"Grandpa! Grandpa! Tell us again when blogs were printed on shiny paper filled with colorful ads that were not more relevant." Well, kids, those were called magazines and they sometimes had contests offering prizes like these back in the year 2000. #ThrowbackThurday #gamer #goodies
#ThrowbackThanksgiving #ThrowbackThurday
A wild turkey in #rockyMountainNationalPark. September 2018
#ThrowbackThurday #rockyMountainNationalPark
One morning at Deer Mountain
#ThrowbackThurday to this time last year, when my family and I were at the Randall Davey A*dubon Center in Santa Fe and I just couldn't get enough of all the hummingbirds. (This is where I met my first rufous, pictured here, but also black-chinned, calliope, and broad-tailed.) They are such little fairies and I honestly have to stop myself from audibly "squee"-ing whenever I see one (so I don't scare them away).
Happy print day! A new batch of mini prints just arrived, these are ones I give away with my photobooks
I was sorting them, and thought it might be fun to share a quick photo. All these #AbandonedPlaces are in #England, my home country . They represent some of my favourite adventures over the last 8 years.
Which one catches your eye? If you want to know more about any of them, ask and I can share some info!
Noch ein bisschen Kitsch zum Abendausklang, am Mittelmeer im März. Gute Nacht, schlaf schön später .
A bit of kitsch to end the evening, in the Mediterranean in March. Good night , sleep well later.
Closed for winter? More likely The Midway is closed forever after its last shutdown in 2012 was due to a lack of available 35-mm film prints.
The drive-in was built in 1955, midway between Turkey & Quitaque, Texas - New York & L.A.
Photographed: August 2020
Jean Carne “Closer than Close”
It's an understatement to say that Texas has some interesting courthouses. A few are noteworthy, but most just look tired - as if they've been chewed up, spit out and stepped on like Bowser's bone.
The courthouse in Coryell County has never been a favorite, but sometimes... when the air has been washed clean after a summer rain and the sun is shining? Well, ymmv, but it makes me feel weirdly hopeful.
Back to when I had hair. This #ThrowbackThurday is from 2003/2004. Clubs were fun, because I was mainly there for drag shows and chicken wings.
Mike's has some of the best coffee selections and food around. I took this photo back in July 2014, when the NH Antique Tractor Club was doing a raffle. (Mike's is in VT, just across the river from NH.) #ThrowbackThurday #BelieveInFilm #Vermont
#ThrowbackThurday to 2021 when I first got the keys to this truck. It was shiny and new and I had just a couple days to get it merched and ready to go.
Sprague Lake, #RockyMountainNationalPark
Taken September 2004
A while back I shot a few rolls of Yodica film, which is pre-exposed to produce funky colors. This photo is from a session I did with my friend Chryseis at a local park (January 2019). #ThrowbackThurday #MinoltaXGM #BelieveInFilm
Ok it's almost Thursday for me so I think it's okay to post a #ThrowbackThurday otherwise I'll forget tomorrow. Saw some mushroom pics and I wanted to participate!
I was so excited to find king bolete (porcini) mushrooms on the Oregon coast back in the fall of 2021. Green shirt pic is the first one I ever found. Debating on taking a trip to northern California for some spring kings this year.
This was probably the best vacation I've ever had. I look so innocent without tattoos!