Now live on self-hosted Owncast
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (60Hz Mega Drive)
Last time Wing Fortress Zone and falling 1-Up-boxes stopped me, but this time I'm more experienced: Casual playthrough ahead.
Now live on self-hosted Owncast
Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (60Hz Mega Drive)
Last time Wing Fortress Zone and falling 1-Up-boxes stopped me, but this time I'm more experienced: Casual playthrough ahead.
Skewered, Slimed, Squid-Bait... Meet The Maker. Will Harvey Presents The Immortal
Source: Mega Play Vol. 2 No. 5 (September/October 1991)
Scan Source: RetroMags
Import feature for Silhouette Mirage on Sega Saturn from Official Sega Saturn Magazine 24 - October 1997 (UK)
This issue, as well as all other issues of the Official Sega Saturn Magazine set can be downloaded here:
Review for Last Bronx on Sega Saturn from Official Sega Saturn Magazine 24 - October 1997 (UK)
This issue, as well as all other issues of the Official Sega Saturn Magazine set can be downloaded here:
Review for Duke Nukem 3D on Sega Saturn from Official Sega Saturn Magazine 24 - October 1997 (UK)
This issue, as well as all other issues of the Official Sega Saturn Magazine set can be downloaded here:
Video Replay: Turn Your Used Video Game Cartridges Into Cash!
Source: VideoGames and Computer Entertainment 11 (December 1989)
Scan Source: RetroMags
ESP Saturn games: Grandia, Silhouette Mirage, and Chaos Seed
Source: Dreamcast Magazine (JP) 2 (November 27, 1998)
Scan Source: Sega Retro
Aero the Acro-bat
Source: Diehard GameFan 10 (September 1993)
Scan Source: Sketch the Cow/Jason Scott (Internet Archive)
I have this for the next time I need to remind myself of how much I hate myself.
Just learned that all the Western names in PH4 are a lie.
Rika my beloved is Fal, which was probably the closest they could get to "Val" without it reading like Bal or Ball; ibid Sypha Belnades (Fernandez).
Chaz is Rudy... which still feels strangely common and casual sounding in this context.
what an exceptional soptware library on this mega darve
just loved werstle mania and ninja turties when i was a kid
Air Diver
Source: Beep! MegaDrive 6 (March 1990)
Scan Source: Sega Retro
Super Real Basketball (Pat Riley Basketball)
Source: Beep! MegaDrive 6 (March 1990)
Scan Source: Sega Retro
Someone Did What SEGA Didn't, Build A REAL Neptune | COSAM
—Macho Nacho Productions
Super Baseball 2020 for Sega Genesis
Source: Diehard GameFan 10 (September 1993)
Scan Source: Sketch the Cow/Jason Scott (Internet Archive)
Review for Super Monkey Ball on GameCube.
Taken from GamesMaster 114 - December 2001 (UK)
This issue can be downloaded here:
GamesMaster 114 - December 2001 (UK) has just been added to the magazine catalogue.
This issue can be downloaded here:
Find Love 2: Rhapsody
Source: Dreamcast Magazine (JP) 2 (November 27, 1998)
Scan Source: Sega Retro
#150 - The Lowest Form of Cake
Cool, a worm! Time for a fun, safe and LEGAL time, because it's our ONE HUNDRED, right, AND FIFTIETH episode of this NONSENSE. And what a party STC have thrown to celebrate! I'm sorry, I'll read that again: What party have STC thrown to celebrate? That's right boomers, NONE. Oh well! But we do have Kintobor, some weirdo worms, and a brand new strip from a brand new writer who Back-Handed Compliments Monthly described as "successfully secured employment on two issues of Sonic the Comic" ALSO: the grossest thing any child ever did, (PAUL!) and it's grave news for Diary Zone Dave and his online pals!
Spider-Man and the X-Men in Arcade's Revenge (and Spider-Man 3: Invasion of the Spider-Slayers)
Source: Diehard GameFan 10 (September 1993)
Scan Source: Sketch the Cow/Jason Scott (Internet Archive)